Gaxetas trançadas
Como fabricante francês há mais de 100 anos, temos sido reconhecidos desde a nossa criação pela qualidade e desempenho das nossas gamas de tranças de selagem. Composta por mais de 70 tipos de impregnação e 120 variedades diferentes de fios (aramida, PTFE, grafite, carbono, etc.), as nossas tranças de selagem são concebidas para serem utilizadas nas caixas de enchimento das bombas, válvulas, misturadores, etc.
LATTYflon 5706
Aramid /PTFE packing, used in reciprocating pump glands in the food industry.
LATTYcore 3207 G
Packing with graphite core for aggressive environments in dynamic sealing applications
LATTYcore 4758 G
Packing with graphite core for reciprocating machines and rotary applications using aggressive fluids
LATTYcore 4788 G
Packing with graphite core, very high mechanical performance.
LATTYcore 5790 G
Packing with graphite core, white packing dedicated to food applications, mechanically resistant.
LATTYcore 7189 G
Packing with graphite core, for slurries and very difficult environments.
LATTYflon 4488
Aramid/carbon packing, with very good heat dissipation for all rotating and reciprocating machinery applications.
LATTYflon 4757
Packings for reciprocating, rotary and static applications
LATTYflon 4758
Performance for Reciprocating Applications
LATTYtex 4777
A Cost-effective Packing for General Maintenance Use
LATTYflon 4788
Aramid packings
LATTYflon 4789
The Cost-effective Aramid Packing
LATTYflon 5790
Packing for Food Industry (CE 1935/2004)
LATTYflon 5790 S
Packing for Food Industry (CE 1935/2004)
LATTYflon 3206
PTFE packings for dynamic application
LATTYflon 3206 S
PTFE Packings for static application
LATTYflon 3206 SO
PTFE packings oxygen compatibility
LATTYflon 3206 AL
PTFE Packing for dynamic application
LATTYflon 3206 CE
Packing for Food Industry (CE 1935/2004)
LATTYflon 3207
Cost-effective packing for aggressive environments for dynamic sealing solutions
LATTYflon 4308
Graphited PTFE packing, dedicated to applications on rotary pumps with chemically aggressive fluids
LATTYtex 2761
Cost-effective Graphited Packing
LATTYflon 2790 AL
White packing for water industry for dynamic sealing solutions
LATTYflon 2790
Packing for Food Industry : CE 1935/2004 for dynamic sealing solutions
LATTYflon 7188
The “plus points” of a composite yarn for dynamic sealing solutions
The reference packing for extreme conditions : Pressure – Speed – Temperature – pH for dynamic sealing solutions
Carbon packings with high elasticity and low friction for dynamic sealing solutions
LATTYgraf 6745 NG
the new generation of carbon packings with reduced friction for pumps and valves.
LATTYgraf 6940
Industrial Valves : The performances of expanded graphite with the benefits of packing.
LATTYtex 14
Packing for cold Water applications for dynamic sealing solutions
LATTYflon 1779
Anti-rot packings
Insulating bolster packings up to 850 °C
High Fire Resistance